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Elisa Bienenstock

Elisa Bienenstock is an expert in social psychology, sociology and quantitative analysis.

She is a college research professor at the Watts College of Public Service and Community Solutions in the Center for Organizational Research and Design.

Professor Bienenstock's research focuses on social network analysis, game theory, power and exchange, quantitative methods, and reciprocity, trust and cooperation.

Prior to her position at ASU, Bienenstock served as an Army Research Office program manager and as a consultant to the Department of Defense and Intelligence Community to address the needs of the military and intelligence community by measuring and studying the human, social, culture and behavioral dimensions that impact national security.

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So for example, in Iraq when there was a lot of improvised explosive devices, a lot of times you might be able to figure out what part of Iraq it was being constructed in, or rule out other parts of Iraq where it wasn't being constructed because the pollen signatures are different in those places.

— Elisa Bienenstock, AZ Family